Monday, August 16, 2010

Boyfriend cheated when drunk, how to cope?

My boyfriend of almost one year ended getting drunk with this random girl from the bar one nite away Town from me. He ended up f***ing her that nite. He has told me more or less he didn't remember too much what happened that nite, just that they were drinking, then next minute he knew it he was having sex with her from behide with his clothes off. And remembering after he couldn't get off, told the girl he was going to sleep and just left her there. He told me after what happened after lieing to me 6 times about. I found out he cheated on me because he a nasty STI. I feel so freaking gross to have it and I feel so low inside he would cheat on me cheat. The first time he had cheated on me with was some another random girl at the bar alone by kissing her and letting her give him a hickey on his neck. I know since I've been with him, he never done anything sober like this from what I know. He has told me something like he doesn't check out other girls sexually and I satisfy him much in bed. He wants to make it up to me by dealing with his drinking problem by going to Rehad. And in the mean while he wants to get a addictions cousellor and go to AA meetings with me. I still can't get over the f*** he would cheat on me drunk. He said was naive and thought he could control his drinking and that's why he ended up getting drunk at the bar after being sober for a almost a month of not drinking. I feel so angry, hurt at him and just feel like beating the sh*t outta of him. We are back together as a couple. I just kept help but feel soo sad still and feel he just does't care what he has done to me. Any suggestions and tips on how can I recover from a boyfriend who cheated on me drunk?Boyfriend cheated when drunk, how to cope?
If he wants to handle his drinking problem and wants do it for you, then it is already a good sign. But think about what is going through your own mind. Is it jealousy? Do you feel betrayed? Do you feel that it might happen again? Always remember that saving relationship could not be one-sided. It is always a mutual decision. If saving relationship is paramount then you will gradually forgive and forget. So just sort your own priorities and talk every step through with your boyfriend. Good luck!Boyfriend cheated when drunk, how to cope?
Drinking doesn't change a person. It only lowers inhibitions and allows them to do things they want to do anyway without as much guilt. He will probably continue to cheat even if he does become sober. You have to decide if you can settle for an unfaithful partner who will bring diseases home to you or if you deserve someone who will be faithful.
The best thing to do is leave and get over him. Easier said than done, but you will better heal and get over him if you don't see him again. There is NO excuse for cheating ... EVER! Im sorry hun and good luck! :)
You have ties and commitments with a husband,not with a boyfriend.Dump him and find someone who can control himself.
when there is no remorse there is no girlfriend....dump him flat on his ***.
yeah, we'll do that... what can we say......
It never ceases to amaze me how many people try to pass off infidelity because of drinking. There is no excuse for cheating. NONE! If you can't handle the booze you leave it alone. If you are so insecure you have to have this clown after cheating even once then this problem is as much yours as it is his. Sorry!
I'm not going to tell you to dump him like so many others have because that's your decision to make. However I do agree with what others have said about using the excuse of being drunk. It wouldn't matter to me how drunk I was I would still know I was cheating if I did but I wouldn't. My only advice is I would put off any plans of getting married to this guy for a long time.
being drunk s no excuse. Can you imagine if everyone had sex with somebody every time we got drunk? If that's what happens to him when he drinks, he needs to learn to control his drinking when people are around. I would personally dump him, he is only your boyfriend, but if you think it's worth it, and he is good when sober, and truly wants to work it out, going to concealing, help him through it. I feel sorry for you. He was an ahole.

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