Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do i cope with this?

My boyfriend just cheated on me for the third time. He was really controlling and didn't let me talk to boys or have Facebook or anything.

So, I've decided (finally) that enough is enough and that i should move on,

But he keeps making me feel bad? He kind of makes me feel in love all again, but he just keeps hurting me.

What shall i do? I'm so so so confused. :(How do i cope with this?
This is hard, but at least you know that you need to get out of the relantionship. What I would do is write down all of the bad things he has ever done. I know you might think that you can remember them off the top of your head, but trust me, write them down.

Then, do it, break up with him. Dont return his calls, dont listen to his voicemails or read his texts. Nothing! Then down the road (maybe a few months or something), when you still miss him and want to get back together, you can read this list and see if its worth the heartbreak again.

Hes going to cheat again. If he appologized the first time, he knew exactly what he was doing the second and third. Dont let him make you feel bad. Dont even bother giving him the time of day. Dump him and try to move on. It will be hard, very hard, but you know its for the best.

Hope this helped.

Oh, even if you dont choose this answer, please select a ';Best Answer';. Thanks.How do i cope with this?
Sounds like you need to cut contact with him, if hes cheated 3 times hes not going to stop so if your not ok with this then you shouldnt be in a realtionship with him. Theres always feelings after and because your not together anymore there usually always expressed in a negative way such as making you feel bad about yourself (which is not right). He cheated on you, he should be feeling bad not you. Anyways solution to the problem cut contact with him it may be hard but it will make you feel better not having someone put you down. Other possible solution is to confront him call him out he probaby wont change but if he doesnt again break contact.
Hey - if he cheated on you ONCE that should be a warning sign that you aren't #1, but to be controlling as well as cheating THREE times, who does he think he is! How on earth can you LOVE this jerk. Run as fast as you can and don't look back, there are a lot of decent respectful guys out there please don't settle for a looser because he'll make your life H---!
You must have really loved your boyfriend to have taken him back the two previous times and to have put up with the way he treated you.

Do not feel bad! You have done nothing wrong at all. It's gonna be hard fo you to get over him as it sounds like you adored him. However, don't get back with him. You sound like you could do so much better and now you can have a life of your own! :) x
Dump him. He shouldn't be making you feel bad, he is the one that cheated on you multiple times. He is the jerk not you. Move on, you deserve much better than that scum-bag.
you are stupid why would you go out with him after he keeps cheating on you? he obviously doesnt care about you or he would repect you a little more. i guess he knows he can get away with it because you are weak and let him.
hy should u feel bad hes controlling and a cheater he should feel bad!! its emotional blackmail making u feel guilty and staying with him, so dump him and keep away from him, dnt answer his calls or texts at all
I know how hard this must be for you but no one deserves to be messed around. You need to stay strong and shut him out of your life and move on and be happy.
he didnt let you have facebook hahahahhaahahaha you are whipped
haha its amazing how he can fool you over and over again ..
yea you should. you gotta let people go. three chances is enough.

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