Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I bust my mom/and or cope?

I love my dad. I have always been a daddy's girl.

I however do not care for my mom.

My neighbor's wife died a few months ago. He was cheating on her anyway. Since then my mom has been over there a little too much- to much to just reach out to a neighbor in spirit. My neighbor is sweet on my mom. I can just feel it. My parents have never been madly in love with eachother and i can feel it. But my dad would never stoop so low as to become the scum of the earth and cheat on someone he made a vow to. How do I catch my mom in the act and cope with the extreme pain. PLEASE HEL ME!!!:(How do I bust my mom/and or cope?
There really is no easy way to approach this.

However, in order to save your Dad from finding out in the future and suffering from a lot of pain, I would hire a detective or do it yourself and find out.

Look at it this way. Do you love your father enough to have him be with someone who obviously no longer loves him? Instead save him from your Mom and have him find someone else who will really appreciate him for the good man that he is.How do I bust my mom/and or cope?
If I were you, I wouldn't be out to get her.

I would let her dig her own grave. Obviously she is going to screw her life up, but you don't have to be the one with blood on your hands.

When she screws up her life, she'll blame herself, and not you, which will be worse for her, trust me.

My mom is still living with alot of guilt, herself.

Though I didn't hate her, and never will.
Your Dad my have to see this for himself. Maybe taking out some old wedding pictures and looking at them just for fun in front of your parents may help. Bring out a conversation about how much in love each of them look, and comfront your mom and dad with this method. Soon enough guilt will set in and your mom could tell your Dad just what she is doing. Your not alone God Loves You.
Confront your mother and make her be responsible for her actions. If you do what's right God will vindicate you without you having to do anything at all. Just sit back and be patient.
Talk to your parents separately. Chances are your dad already knows and doesn't want to confront the issue.
I think this is what you're looking for...
Install chips and her and record everything Lmao :] or place a camera in your neighbors house but make it hidden
1. Joke about it to your dad and see his reaction, if he suspects something too, back off and let things go there course.

If he seems oblivious, get a camera out...
Better off to just leave well enough alone. Nature will take its course, just be sure to be there for your dad as much as possible, and show him your support.
sneak ove rto the nieghbors house wt a camera and take pics
Hire a private detective or let your dad in on how you feel.
You're evil...
Get over it.
Do some spying.....
tell somebody to stalk her for you
stay out of it.
you need to come right out and tell her what you think. it may be scary but that is the only way
you could buy a camera set for when it sences motion it will turn on
time...and patience. try recording times and making notes...and casually bring up to ur dad bout where mom is, just ask if he knew where she went cuz you were lookin for her...if he works long hours, that makes it tough.

as for the coping....Talk to a well trusted friend, or even a relative that you know isn't gonna be like ';oh okay yada yada'; n then go and tell ur mom and/or dad what your thoughts are, bc then if she's doing it she'll just be more sneaky. Or you could just try to put it out of your mind til things come to a head..... i never had this happen to me, but it happened to my best friend and it was hell on her, and it took ages to put her mom in the open.
Don't do anything. The relationship between your mother and father is their business, not yours. Adult relationships are complex and you don't have the experience to understand all that goes on and there are permanent consequences to what you are thinking of doing that will alter your life forever. For example, you don't know that your mom is cheating. you just know she is spending some time over there. And if she is cheating, you don't know that your father isn't aware of it and choosing to ignore it for his own reasons.

Even though you don't like your mom now (what daughter does) this is the only mother you will have and I promise you that relationship will be important to you in the future. Don't burn your bridges. And you think you are daddy's girl but you might not be if you ruin his marriage.

Hi there. First of all that is not something that you should do. Why do you think you have a right to interfer with two adults. Just because you do not agree with certain things that your mom does, does not mean you should treat her with such disrespect. She gave birth to you and I am sure that she loves you even if she acts like an idiot sometimes. You would also hurt your dad by doing it the way you want to. It is not helping you either. You do not know for sure that she is cheating on him and I think at this point you should get her alone, with no dad around, and calmly talk to her about your fears. Tell her not to deny it if it is true but to please handle it with respect to your dad. Don't yell and scream or call her names. You are their child, not their parents and even if it is true it is between them. I think it would not hurt you to go get counseling and if your mom is doing what you think, she needs it to, but that is up to her. Even though your dad is a great guy and it sure sounds like he is, if she did wander, he is not providing something that she needs. It may be as simple as comfort or feeling as if what she says is important to him. It takes two in one form or another to make something work or not work. It does not mean it is acceptable for her to cheat if she is but if she is there is a reason behind it. It may be something from her childhood or something that your dad is or is not doing. The point is that you need to take care of your feelings. You are hurting and you need to get help , but talk to your mom first. Do it calming because if you yell or act immature, she will not take you seriously and talk to you. Tell her you want the truth and if true she needs to talk to dad about it and if they want to save the marriage they could go to counseling also. Good luck to you! Take care of yourself. Remember, you are not the parent and it is not your responsibility to handle things but theirs.
It must be very hard to watch your mother behave that way. As wrong as she seems, and as hard as it might be to find compassion, your mom is a person separate from her life as a wife and mother. Being a wife and mother is a very hard role at times. As great as your father is, it is not fair to vilify your mom for her actions. It is totally reasonable to talk to her about it and tell her what you observe and how it makes you feel watching it. Perhaps you feel protective of your father and also disgusted at your mom's seemingly immature manner. It is hard to realize from the outside, but your father surely plays some part in their relationship struggles. For example, you mom might have tried to ask your dad for attention for a long time but was unsuccessful. Even your extreme closeness to your father and dislike of your mom can be a source of trouble in their marriage. Hard to believe, but it's true.

As far as their vows, try to remember that we are all human beings. Of course your mom should be faithful to your dad. What she is doing, even if it stops at flirtation, is in a way cheating. The problem is that people who are in a suffering marriage experience a tremendous amount of pain. Your mom is hurting, I would guess. This in no way makes what she's doing right, or makes your dad wrong... it's just what happens sometimes.

When you feel disgusted by your mother, remember that there is a part of you that isn't entirely perfect. When you have made poor choices you probably knew it but didn't/couldn't stop for whatever reason. Parents are people too - and if you become one you will be surprised by how it looks from the other side.

If you share with your mom, calmly and from the heart, what you see and how it makes you feel that is the most and best you can do.

Good luck!

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