Monday, August 16, 2010

The best way to cope with long distance relationships?

My boyfriend lives in a different country to me, we speak everyday and see each other every month or so, i know compared to other long distance relationships it isn't so bad, but i love him very much and want to know is there a way of coping with the time i do spend away from him and how i can stop myself from having thoughts of him cheating on me, i know he wouldn't but can ANYONE help me?The best way to cope with long distance relationships?
I'm with Kalekka on this one - they are not all one-sided. My significant other %26amp; I both live in the states but are about 2400 miles apart. We don't get to see each other in person as often as we would like but we use yahoo for voice chat and we both have web cam's so we can see each other while we talk. We also have cell phones that have free night %26amp; weekend minutes so we can talk on the phone too, without going broke. We are both committed to each other and trust each other completely. I think to be in a long distance relationship takes 2 special people who truly love one another and are committed to each other. If you are willing to make the sacrifice until you can be together than it will definately be worth the wait.

Good luck!

PattyThe best way to cope with long distance relationships?
I'm in the same situation! My boyfriend lives in London....i live in the states. Mayes things hard, but when we finally get to see each's well worth all the wait. We talk to each other almost every single day. We use MSN for voice chat so there's no worries about international phone call costs. The trust thing is hard, but if you love him, then trust will come easily.

and to the person above, they are not -always- one sided. My relationship works out very well. on both sides
ohhh dang.

let me tell you. long distance relationships suck.

they always end up being one sided. always.

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