Friday, August 20, 2010

How to cope with the pain of heartache? ?

I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years. We've had plenty of ups and downs. But sometimes, we seem to have more down than ups. It's a constant struggle to try to make things work with him, or even for him to see from my light.

Maybe I should of known better. But I trusted my emotions instead of my pride. The beginning of the relationship was bad- and I couldn't even see it until now. He couldn't decide between me and his ex. I waited it out for a year (call me crazy!) and when I finally decided I wanted to move on, he finally makes up his mind and stays with me.

A year or two past by. He used to be overproctective and obsessive. Wouldn't ever let me go out. I got sick of the constant calls every time I went out. Eventually, I broke it off. I met this incredible guy, who turned out to have melted my heart in so many levels. My boyfriend finally realized what he had lost. He dropped to his knees, cried, and asked for forgiveness. Came over to seem everyday after work, even skipped work to come see me. Made my parents ask me to be with him. He did everything he could. And eventually, I started to see what I thought was a change, and I came back to him.

Half a year past by.. and he was still overprotective and obsessive. Things just seemed so different. So I ended it. But this time, it would of been my mistake. He moved on quite quickly or so he thought. Within the day that I ended it, he had already found someone new. And eventually tried to come back to me. I refused, and who knew I would regret it. When I felt the pain of him being with someone else- my heart crushed. I tried everything to get back with him.. but he refused. Karma hit me hard. And eventually.. I let him go and accepted things for the way it was. He kept coming back to me, then going to her- it was a constant struggle to figure out what he wanted. He then ended up cheating on me, and denied it. I forgave him once again..

After we got back together.. soon I moved in with him. I thought things would get better without everyone yelling in our ears. But it didn't. Soon he started talking to a girl who he claimed as his friend. After everything got better, I had found out he kissed her. I swallowed my pride and gave in. We went through so much crap during last summer. He always told me to get out of house and to not come back. Eventually.. I did. I went back to my parents house where they were so ashamed.. and when I left finally.. he asked me to come back again.

So I went back like a fool. Promised me he wouldn't kick me out. Things got better... but who would of known the past would just keep repeating itself.

After I got laid off, things got pretty rough. But you know, even with a job thigns between me and him were always difficult. Money became a big issue. And now.. he doesn't want to be with me. Unfortunatly i'm holding him back from doing things and I can't help him if I can't get a job.

i'm torn yet again. after all I've done, given up and lost time after time.. i'm still getting treated this way. so what's next? I don't know... my cousin is telling me that he can't live without me, cause if he could then he wouldn't of asked me to come back after I left.

how do you cope with something like this? How do you find the strength to move on? How do you find the strength to leave the one person you've ever loved so much?How to cope with the pain of heartache? ?
This man is trying to control you = he is a CONTROL FREAK - get rid of him now before you loose more time with this jerk - brake all ties and get far away from him as possible

my daughter went through all the same thing you did - in the end after 10 years of wasting her life - she finally came to her senses and is now happier with someone else - I'm just thankful that she never had a child with this nut job

Your like right now sounds just like my daughters did - he's a user, a cheater, and a control freak

Please leave this is not love but obsession = love is wonderful and when you do find someone that will love you the right way you will see this
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