Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do i cope with my parents splitting up?

my mom cheated on my dad and i am crushed! just truly hearat broken, and i have no clue what i can do to stop the pain im feeling! what do i do?!How do i cope with my parents splitting up?
Talk with your mother about why she did this. Be her strength. Ask her to explain it to you. Then talk to your father and ask him to tell you how he feels.Be his strength. Be the glue that holds them together.How do i cope with my parents splitting up?
That is a tough situation. The biggest thing to look at is that your parents are also human and make mistakes, be open minded about the circumstances that are apparent (both your mom and dad are also more then likely feeling the same way you are). You can still have a great relationship with your mom and dad; try not to take anyone's side and be the foundation to which all of you will grow and have no resentment. Its going to be a long road to recovery just remember to be as positive/strong minded person in the end. Good luck to you and hope all shapes up.
Ask your dad to PLEASE forgive her for the sake of his children, and ask your mom to apoligize to your dad.

Remind your dad that he has kids, so he could consider the children as he makes this decision, maybe he can wait until the youngest sibling turns 18 but always remember to be NICE to the old man, especially if he never did anything mean to you.

And say PLEASE to your dad, always remember, BE NICE TO THE OLD MAN,

If they do, maybe demand to live with your dad, since your moms the one who cheated
You need to really believe that it is not your fault and that it has nothing to do with you. Your mom probably had a lot of reasons why she cheated on your dad, none of which had anything to do with you. I know it sucks and sucks bad, but when I realized that my parents really weren't happy together I embraced the divorce. They wanted to just stay together for me and my sister, but we didn't want to be the reasons for their unhappiness.If they could be happier, seperate from each other, then that was what made me start to feel ok about it.
It is hard to not be mad, but remember that your mom didn't cheat on you. Try hard to forgive her for her mistake. Your dad is going to probably need more time to forgive her, but he might one day. Try to stay out of the middle by not talking to them about the other. Having a counselor to talk to is a great idea, because that person will only have whats best for you in mind and will be able to be non judgmental like some family may be.

I promise the pain will ease as your parents put their lives back together.

Best of wishes
Honey, I am sorry for your loss. I understand completely what you are going through. You need to remember that this is about them, and not about you. They have gotten themselves tangled up in a big mess that you are unlucky enough to witness. Your mother wasn't trying to do anything to hurt you, and your father and mother had stuff going on long before the affair, otherwise she would not have been thinking about infidelity. It isn't so cut and dry as mommy cheating on daddy. Communication with them was broken long before they were able to recognize that they had a problem. Your job, is to be yourself, ask questions of each of them that you need answered - but remember that they may not want to share those answers with you about their private lives. You want to have answered how you will be affected by the changes that will surely transpire. You will be okay. Your friends are there for you when you open up to them. Your heart is broken and you should let it cry. Talk to those around you, your family, friends and even the school counselor.

Take care honey. xo
ashley, that is really hard. but grown ups do things that don't make sense. and they do things to hurt each other. but one thing you should understand is that your parents loved each other when you were born. and they regret a lot of things they did, but never having you. and you are not at fault at all here. don't ever think that. parents go through different things and they handle it well sometimes, but other times they make horrible mistakes. and now they are dealing with the mistakes they made. all you can do is love them, cause you are the only person they want to love right now. no need to ask too many questions. tell them you love them every chance you get. they need to hear it now, more than ever before. you may not be able to save their marriage. and they are not asking you to do that. right now, hug them like you've never hugged them before and just love them. cause they love you like you wouldn't believe.
1. Talk to both of them how you feel.

2. If they decide to split, then take sometime to adjust. Forgive them for every human makes mistakes.No one is prefect in this world.

3. Still not happy - you can go counselling or you can try my method - RUN in a PARK. You just wear a sport wear and start to run, by the time you finish, you don't have the breath to think of the pain you have, you only think of breathing more oxigen into your lung. The pain will go naturally for a while.

4. Spending time with your grandparent

5. Spend time with your studies

6. Spend time with your friends, make sure it is quality friend. Not some friend bring you to try drug/smoking coz those thing only cause your health which end up having cancer/Die.

6. Spend time with your pet

7. Spend time travelling

8. Spending more time to adjust the pain and if you want to do something stupid, think of GOD.
drugs worked for me .

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