Monday, August 16, 2010

How can i get over my broken heart?

today i found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me. how do i cope with that. im hurt and part of me wants to hurt him as well as the trash he cheated on me with. it'll take me a while to get over him but how do i deal with this without doing something crazy that i'll regret later?How can i get over my broken heart?
first off, good for you for not lashing out immediately. I know you feel like hurting him, but trust me, it won't get you anywhere. The cold shoulder may be appropriate, but no violence or anything. Just let the dude go, accept that he's a jerk and hope that the girl he's with now realizes that soon enough. To get over it some rootbeer and movies may be required, and next time make sure you test your man - pay close attention to how he reacts and where his eyes wander to around other girls. The right guy is completely oblivious that there's actually other girls there besides you.How can i get over my broken heart?
well im in the same position as yours .... so if you love him alot thn jst leave him at that

if you care abt his happiness...

don try to hurt him back...

be good coz that your good not him...

let him be a jerk you don do that to him .... thn there wud be no difference betwen him and you if you hurt him back....

leave him ... everything is fr good you ll get a good heart'd person as you are....
dont waste ur energy,he is totally not worth it,try and concentrate on something else, go and buy something really nice for urself, call ur close girlfriends up and av fun, with time ull stop thinking about him but meanwhile take care of urself nd be preety nd smile. take care
You have to tell yourself that you're better than this. You're above it all and that it's not worth it. Your boyfriend screwed up so you shouldn't even waste your time thinking about him or of ways to get revenge. Move on and keep your head held high. Learn from this experience. Don't sink down to his level.
This is a summary of an article I wrote. You can read it in it's entirety at the link below.

The worst thing you could possibly do is isolate yourself. You need to allow your other relationships to insulate you. Don't allow one person to stop you from living.

Do things with people. Not only keep them close, but interact with them. Do things for others, become the person you were. You must go on living if you intend to heal your broken heart.

Find someone else who may be hurting and do something for them. The act of giving and the act of loving are two of the most important things you can do to heal your heart. You need to feel yourself with love of people. Your pain and injury will prompt you not to do this. I suggest you find a way. Find someone who needs you. Invest in them a little bit and show them your love. You'll find this a balm to your broken heart.

Life is relationships. It isn't your things, house, bank accounts, or cars. It is the relationships around you. A relationship requires interaction and involvement. Involve yourself in those around you, those who you may or may not know, and you'll discover the pain in your heart easing.

Hope this helps.

God bless.
Ice cream and chick flicks.
Get your mind and heart right. For you mind do this. This is something i call status check. Through out the day think what am i doing? is this helpful? should i be doing this? That will help you stop from doing things that might be crazy.

If you have pictures or anything of his just trash it or burn it. Talk about it to someone you trust , yourself or Jesus Christ. Then just accept the fact that what happened happened. Do not let this darken you as a person please.

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