Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I cope with a mother like this?

My mother has been cheating on my father for years now. With different man. But since she met this guy she seeing now, it been only him. He shouts at my father, demands money from me and my dad to support her boyfriend. He even brings him over at my dads house, on my dad's absence. I know about this, and I've known it since it started. Even my aunts, my dad's sisters knows about my mum and her cheating. The thing is they all scared of her.

My father is sick of stress, he knows that my mom is cheating but he doesn't know with whom. Cause he caught her a lot of times before. I'm so hurting cause I hate seeing my father drowning like this. all he does is drink, coz my mother hardly sleeps at home, when she's there she sleeps with my sister.

Even my brother knows, the only person she respects is my married sister. I don't know what to do cause everyone is scared of confronting her. I want to tell her to leave us so that she cuk be wth the man she love, but m scared of her.How do I cope with a mother like this?
wow your mom is a bit*h just tell her how you feel............................How do I cope with a mother like this?
The best way for this to happen is for the family to come together and let your mother know that they know she's unhappy with her marriage with your father. Let her know that everybody will be happy if she just divorced your father and be with the man she's happiest with.

Her chronic cheating and her disrespect for her marriage to your father should indicate that divorce is the solution.

If group confrontation doesn't work, confide in your married sister and let her communicate these sentiments to your mother.
get a hidden camera show to bust her, and broadcast it on MTV.

or your whole family can confront her about it, and if she touches anybody then you press charges on her cheating bit*** as*
Listen she is your mother and you have the right to stand up to her. I have always been the only one who could stand up to my mother and tell her exactly what I think of her. Don't be afraid she needs to hear that she is ruining ya'll and that she just needs to leave so that everyone will be happy. She should find a boyfriend that can support her and quit using your dad for financial stability.. Do whats right for your family don't be scared. Shes worthless in my book. She may always be your mother but, if she doesn't respect you all enough to contain herself then why contain your self??? Let her have it!!
Don't be scared, what the worst she could do? Tell her that its obvious shes not in love with your father anymore and that its better to just end the marriage and then you can be free to see whoever you want without sending your father further down the drain.

Tell her the whole family knows and that neither you or anyone else has respect for her so what does she have to wait around for? How dare she ask for money to support her adulterous lifestyle, tell her that she had the affairs so its her problem to deal with!

When you say 'over to my dads house' i take it your mother and father live in seperate houses? If so, change the locks so she cant bring him round, let her know shes not wanted, get your brother and your famil to back you up, all of you need to target her on her own so the boyfriend is not there.

Maybe your dad should also file for divoce to also make it clear where his heart lies. Its no good carrying it on, you should let your father be at rest and free to start a new life and encourage him to meet someone nice when hes settled. Also find help to stop his drinking.
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