Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can a person who is clinically depressed feel guilt about cheating?

My boyfriend is always jealous even with friends but found comfort in talking to another friend who feeds him wrong informations and made the situation worst. I know he cheated with this friend but do you think he feels guilty about it? I want him to know that I understand what happened and that this friend only used him to get back at me but how do I get him to open up and hopefully I can help him cope and also to let him know that I understand. That I will be here for him. That I forgive him.Can a person who is clinically depressed feel guilt about cheating?
I have suffered post tramatic stress disorder most of my adult life,maybe even as a teenager,so,firstly,I would like to say that your boyfriends action's where not caused by or because he is clinically depressed.In fact,you need'nt even bother with the word';clinically';,that only refers to his being evaluated as depressed.I wish you had informed myself and others as to what the cause of his illness is rooted.Anyway,you state that he had an affair or fling with a friend.Firstly,how can you still call this person a friend,especially when you also state that this friend only used him to get back at you.My,you are mighty! Because your b/f suffers from depression,you assume that she nor anyone eles would want him.Anyway,you have made this about you enough all by yourself,so I will not give you anymore headlines,since you are going to also forgive him,because it's the friends fault because you are so special,she had to hurt you somehow.Anyway again,I must stop about you,';The Envied Saint';.I will tell though that I highly doubt you b/f feels any guilt or remorse.To him with his illness it was probably a major natural upper,especially since you say even you don't know how to get him to open up about it,and help him cope with it.Open up,cope with it !! If your b/f is as depressed as you say,';you make him out to be almost child like';, He would enjoyed and loved every minute of the attention he got,therefore;there is nothing for him to cope with.If it has'nt happened since,a depressed person would maintain that enjoyment in their mind over and over again,whenever he felt really low.Why,you would probably ask?The answer simple.Another woman found him attractive and interesting enough that his illness did not matter to her and she probably did not talk to him as something eles,but a man,instead of what I read in between your lines,that you are doing him a huge favour being his girl.I would'nt even doubt that he could careless if you where there to forgive him and to be there for him.The last thing he or me or anyone eles needs in our lives is a person who constantly,in one fashion or another,tries to control us by reminding us that we have a mental illness.I would even hazard to guess that you are the jealous one,and that it is you who is having trouble coping with this situationand you especially won't like this but,I believe you are the one with a major depression now.Do yourself a favour and talk to a professional.Can a person who is clinically depressed feel guilt about cheating?
Talk to him and you will be able to discuss what is going on with him
You are trying to have a normal relationship with a person who is not normal.He needs to get help first and get ';fixed'; before he can be normal and have a normal relationship with you.How do you KNOW he cheated?He may have, then he may not have, then again she may be stealing him from you.You both need to talk.He may be using the depression as a way of manipulating you and the other g/f.Women really go for that sympathy stuff.

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