Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I get over the guilt of considering cheating?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and 4 months, and for the most part, things have been excellent. Lately, however, we've been fighting, and it's putting a strain on the relationship. Well after a pretty bad fight on Tuesday, I got fed up and impulsively posted an ad on a dating website (I'm over 18). After receiving a few emails from interested people, I started talking to a couple of guys on AIM. However, the whole time I was doing this, I was crying and really depressed and upset for betraying my boyfriend. I saw him today, and he surprised me by taking me out to a really nice lunch to apologize for the dispute earlier in the week, and we had a blast together. He was really sweet and really affectionate, and I realized then that I can't cheat on him. I realized that he's a really sweet person and doesn't deserve that, and that although we need to work out our differences so that we don't fight, I think that this relationship could be amazing. After re-realizing why I love my boyfriend so much, I deleted all the emails and screen names from the other people. However, I still feel EXTREMELY guilty for even considering breaking his trust or leaving him, and I don't know how to deal with it. I definitely can't tell him about it, and only one of my closest friends knows. But how can i cope with the guilt of almost being a horrendous person and considering cheating on or leaving my boyfriend? Please help!How do I get over the guilt of considering cheating?
There is nothing wrong with searching for other options when you believe things aren't going to work out. You obviously love your boyfriend very much if such a small infraction as talking to men online will make you so upset. Everyone has doubts. In time of doubt, reaching out to others to make yourself feel wanted is natural.

You obviously love your boyfriend very much. Perhaps do something special to let him know. Making him happy will make you both happy (:How do I get over the guilt of considering cheating?
You are not responsible for every thought that enters your head or things that you consider.

You are responsible for what you do and it seems that you have effectively undone anything that you did that should cause any guilt on your behalf.

All you have to do about it now is to forget about it and move on.
The best thing you can do is swallow it and vow to never think of doing such things again unless you know for sure its OVER鈥?.

Its not really really bad what you did, but its something ou might want to think about when it comes to KARMA.. so just make sure never to do that again
You were just upset you did nothing really. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just make your relationship work out the best you can. Oh and delete you dating service before he sees it. Then don't give it another thought. Good luck.
You have nothing to worry about, you are human. Every animal on Earth seeks companionship. All I'll say is next time wait a bit so you are sure its over between you two.
you really didnt do anything too wrong. u feel guilty bc u know if he knew what u were doing...he wouldnt b too happy and vise versa. now u know that u wld never want to cheat on him so just dont ever do it and everything should be just fine
You didn't cheat. You thought about it. You talked to other people. Take down your post from the dating website and let it go.
Get over it, you didn't do anything.
What Kaia said.

You were upset and not thinking clearly. It's okay now. If you two are working out your differences then I hope for the best.
Learn to forgive yourself for being human.
My didn't do anything!!
you just sound need someone there all the time.... you aren't willing to go through the bad time's,.. you expect everything to be jolly all the time......

well sorry to tell you this... but........relationships are not easy.... and the weak ones are the ones that usually fail at them because they aren't strong enough to go through a few silly arguments. Then they Cheat.. the next thing you now they can't stay faithful at all anymore... it's like a drug really... you run into the arms of others when you need a fix! Very Sad

If he is abusive or disrespectful in any way... then leave him! otherwise.. deal with it and grow, and learn from it all!
Well lets just keep in mind that we all make mistakes, but i do have to say, that the fact that you considered cheating and even went to talk to other guys shows a lack of maturity. Honestly, cheating should never take place. If your upset, then just leave him. Dont start talking to other men unless you are done with him. Your doing the right thing by not confessing, but just have the right of mind next time to realise that you are in a fight, usually fights dont last that long, and that you dont want to make a mistake while in a sensitive mood.

You made a mistake, your human. Move on and be happy!
A womans first instict is to move on when we feel unwanted, and though we dont completely move on, we do something called mingling. And thats just talking to other men, and getting a perspective on the situation. When we start talking to other men its usually to eaze our minds, knowing if this one fails, how many choices we will have once its over with this guy. Sometimes we take it a step further if were really hurt and actually **** another guy in order to get even or to get our minds off of the azzhole were with. When a guy mingles with other girls though, hes just looking for sex, not an escape. But who is your boyfriend to be yelling at you like that and makin gyou feel worthless, when you got one too many options out there, boyfriend has to realize you can easily get another him in a minute. Then he can treat you with respect.

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